Covid-19 Guidelines

Planning to reopen your Businesses? 

Office space will be reinvented in a post-pandemic environment, but the immediate needs of office occupants will be straightforward: equipment necessary to provide safe environments for workers returning to offices over the next weeks and month.


Getting your workplace ready for post coronavirus:

Promote regular teleworking across your organization. If there is an outbreak of Covid-19 in your community, the authorities may advise people to avoid public transport and crowded places.

Promote good respiratory hygiene. Ensure the surgical face masks and/or paper tissues if available at your workplaces for those who develop a runny nose or cough at work – along with closed bins for hygienic disposal of them.

Promote regular and thorough hand washing. Put sanitizing hand rub dispensers in prominent places around the workplace and provide access to place where staff, contractors and customers can wash their hands with soap and water.

Surfaces (e.g. desks, tables) and objects (e.g. telephone, keyboards) should be wiped with disinfectant regularly.


Here are some guidelines for post-pandemic lockdown:

  1. Ensure 24-hour sanitization of the factory premises
  2. Health checks at entrances
  3. Provisions of hand sanitizers and mask to all employers
  4. Educate your people on Covid-19 health and prevention
  5. Quarantine measures for supply and storage of goods
  6. Ensure physical distancing measures
  7. Encourage working in shifts
  8. Contingency plan on discovering a positive case


How can help your business?

BuySupplies set out to create a platform for meeting the immediate needs of businesses to provide a safe environment for their employees.

You can choose products that meet you requirements in ensuring a safe environment during the Covid-19 pandamic or simply reach out to us and we can create a system driven supply replenish process at your business.